About us

About us

Globalization, a phenomenon that has already become a habit in every sector, has permitted countries and cultures get closer to each other. However, there are still many barriers, such as language and culture, that complicate these approaches, especially when doing business or in relations of any other nature.

Dominique Schotten

Behind Traductio Language Services stands Dominique Schotten who was born in The Netherlands, grew-up in Spain and is daughter of a Colombian mother and Dutch father. She has always been aware of the fact that culture and localisation play an important role when it comes to communications. Having studied in different languages - Catalan, Dutch, English, French and Spanish -, she realized at an early age that “putting” words into another language does not always “turn into” the same message. Therefore, she decided to share her knowledge and turn her passion into her way of living.

English, French, Dutch, Catalan and Spanish are the main languages Traductio Language Services works with. However, and thanks to our network of professional translators, we also offer services in other languages having each of colleagues work into their native language and field of specialization.

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